What We Do

We offer a variety of services to our clients including.


Let's be honest saving is not sexy. We're big believers in living below our means, paying ourselves first, and avoiding lifestyle inflation. This has worked for us but requires intentionality, alignment, and team effort. We'll work together on a plan that meets your needs.

The most important thing about investing is time. Education is equally important. We'll look at your options between tax-deferred accounts and brokerage accounts. The focus will be optimization driven by the power of automation.

Real Estate Investing can be a powerful addition to your portfolio. It provides a means for diversification outside of paper assets and an opportunity to generate a passive income stream. I'll share my strategy starting with the mindset, math, and setup.

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Choose one of the three options below to be sure we have enough time to cover the topics you would like to discuss.

1 hr session
3 hr session

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To arrange a consultation, send us a message.

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